Thursday, 11 August 2016

July passes and now in August!

Well June and July has passed by with out much comment! Birding slowed  and nothing really of interest around. Instead took to planning and walking a variety of circular walks around Cambridgeshire, Norfolk and Suffolk.

It's only now that things are beginning to hot up bird wise. Burwell Fen becoming more inviting as migrant waders being to come in. Today saw good numbers of Green Sandpiper (7) and  Greenshank (3), along with Redshank (2), Ruff (2) and Black tailed Godwit (2). The odd Common Sandpiper putting in the occasional appearance as well. Swift still present with Sand Martin mixed in.

Little Egret numbers increasing it seems daily with 39 present the other day. Water Rail showing well with a number of juvenile showing well.