Monday, 30 April 2018

Week commencing 30th April 2018

Monday 30th April

Weather forecast was pretty poor for this morning but other than a light shower the predicted heavy rain did not occur. However it was very windy and bitterly cold down to 2 degrees Celsius in the wind.

The effect of this weather seemed to have an impact on the birds as things seemed very quiet as we did the walk around Adventure's and Baker's Fen.

Highlight was watching a number of Swallow and a single House Martin feeding along a sheltered ditch. They were passing within a foot of myself and the dogs. At one point I observed a Wren darting out from the hedge, chase after a swallow and then return to the bush  This was repeated on a couple of occasions, a strange piece of behaviour which I've not seen before.

Sadly no sound or sign of the Nightingale but given the weather I'm not surprised.

42 species recorded

Tuesday 1st May

Much better morning. Sun out and although cool very pleasant, in fact would be a good time to check out whether the Nightingale was singing along Wicken Lode but instead I'm walking along Soham Lode due to having to hang around the house for an engineer to come! Never mind, was able to find three Reed Warbler in a very short length of the Lode and the Whitethroat were back in the traditional areas.

Plenty of Chiffchaff and Blackcap calling but as yet no Garden Warbler. They are normally found in the copse by the old Station yard but as they are doing a lot of work in that area they don't seem to be around.

Blackcap singing in the garden on returning home.

7 species recorded

Wednesday 2nd May

A miserable start to the day. Cold, a strong breeze from the south and fairly heavy showers. A number of reports had come in already of increased numbers of Wheatear arriving over night in the south of the county (25 at Fowlmere). So headed off to Burwell Fen, where in the past, I have found good numbers.

Walked the cycle path from the bridge to the cattle grids, scanning the fences and fields but no joy. The weather was pretty awful so rather than go on further turned back to the car. Within a short distance found three Wheatear on the fence line and amongst them a female Whinchat.

On Tubney Fen there was a further two Wheatear and a single Yellow Wagtail. 


Felt I deserved a fry up so headed to the garden centre at Fordham for a full english although I realised afterwards that it was missing the black pudding!

22 species recorded on Burwell Fen
4 species recorded on Tubney Fen

Thursday 3rd May

Decided to cover the Baker's and Adventure's Fen area so headed off up Harrison's Drove. Plenty of Cetti's Warbler calling and one or two showing.At least two Cuckoo calling, one with a slight variation to its call.

Male Cuckoo

Marsh Harrier showing well with a male tumbling over the reed bed at the top of Harrison's Drove. The Nightingale was giving brief bursts of song from Sedge Fen. A circling pair of Crane were calling as they spiralled over Reach. Good numbers of Blackcap, Whitethroat and both Reed and Sedge Warbler throughout as well as Chiffchaff.


A male Garganey put in a brief appearance on the mere along with Gadwall. Little Grebe and Shoveler.




Female Shoveler

48 species recorded

Friday 4th May

Lovely morning, clear and warming up. Sadly the bird life did not reflect this. Headed along the bank at Burwell Fen to see if anything had arrived over night especially hoping for Black Tern. However very little about and in fact returned earlier than planned to get on with jobs at home.!

24 species recorded

Photos to be added later

Monday, 23 April 2018

Week commencing 23rd April 2018

Monday 23rd:
Much cooler weather after the record temperatures for this time of the year at the weekend. Rather grey with a stiff WSW.
The weather seems to have quietened down the birds. Only two Sedge Warbler showing and a few Whitethroat showing well. Three Swallow Over the tree pool.

Nine Common Tern around the top pool and a Cuckoo calling but as yet haven't actual seen in. Male and female Marsh Harrier present.

The usual wildfowl but with only one Pochard seen and this was a male.

36 species recorded

Tuesday 24th April

A grey morning with occasional showers. Parked at Cock Up bridge and decided to walk the lower half of Burwell Fen, crossing via the old barn to the Upward Bridge and back along the cycleway.

Grasshopper Warbler reeling just beyond the turning for the barn and Sedge Warbler in the ditch. At the barn a Common Crane flew over and settled to the left of the path across to the bridge before moving into the reeds beyond the first pool.

A Barn Owl and male Marsh Harrier were hunting over the pools and three Egyptian Goose were amongst the usual wildfowl.

Whitethroat were at a number of their traditional locations and both Reed and Sedge Warblers by the river. I was surprised to hear another Grasshopper Warbler reeling just before Cock Up Bridge as I 've not come across one here before.

43 species recorded.

Wednesday 25th April

Stuck in the house for most of the day so only a brief walk around Angle Common with very little to log  on both occasions.

Thursday 26th April

A pleasant morning so set off to Baker's Fen and along the bank down Adventurer's Fen. The walk up Harrison's Drove was accompanied by Sedge and Reed Warbler calling along with numerous Cetti's Warbler and Whitethroat. A nice Little Grebe  provided a good photo opportunity.

Little Grebe

Two Common Crane flew across and seemed to land over on Burwell  Fen.

At the top end of the drove a Bittern was booming and a pair of Marsh Harrier quartering the reed beds. Along the river by Sedge Fen  there was a brief call from a Nightingale. Despite waiting for ten minutes or so there was just the briefest of calls. Hopefully a return visit in the near future will produce a longer burst of song. In the same location a couple of Garden Warbler were also singing.

Spring Arrivals:

2017: 22nd May
No other record

Garden Warbler 
2017: 3rd April 
2016: 18th April
2015: 20th April
2014: 26th April

49 species recorded

An evening walk around The Lode produced Cuckoo, Blackcap and a number of Chiffchaff.

17 species recorded

Friday 27th April

A miserable morning. Light showers turned into a downpour as we walked along the river by Adventurer's Fen. Grasshopper Warblers were calling from at least two locations and a pair of Stonechat were flitting along the reeds.



Whitethroat were also present.


Abandoned the walk due to getting soaked!

Friday, 20 April 2018

20/4/2018: Spring Arrives at Last

Monday 16th April
At last a new Life Tick on my Burwell Fen patch! A 2nd yr Capsian Gull. It was perched on one of the posts in the top pool. I managed to grab a couple of pictures and used the Merlin app to confirm identification. This took my Cambridgeshire list to measly 186!

Caspian Gull with Black Headed Gull as comparison.

Tuesday 17th April
Stroll along the bottom half of Burwell Fen during the afternoon produced three Redshank and a single House Martin over the pool. Good number of Stock Dove were by the old barn. Other than that it was a case of the usual! Caspian Gull was again present

Spring Arrivals:

House Martin : 
2017: May 16th
2016: April 15th
2015: May 9th
2014: April 22nd

Stock Dove
Wednesday 18th April
Took a morning stroll around my local patch here in Soham in search of any additional spring migrants. Chiffchaff and Blackcap showing well and singing throughout but no sign of any other migrants.
Nice views of a Wren in the brambles and I was able to capture a few good shots.


Thursday 19th April
Wonderful warm weather at last! Strolled along the bank to Pouts Hall and back to see if any new arrivals present. Five Common Tern on the top pool and a Whitethroat in the bushes. Sedge Warbler calling but not able to see. Spring here at last!

Spring Arrivals:
Common Tern:
2017: 24th April
2016: 25th April
2015: 6th May
2014: 3rd June

2017: 21st April
2016: 18th April
2015: 14th April
2014: 23rd April

Sedge Warbler
2017: 21st April
2016: 11th April
2015: 16th April
2014: 11th April

Highland Cow enjoying the cool water

Grey Heron

Friday 20th April

A cracking morning, warm and not a breeze. Parked at Cock Up Bridge and decided to walk the whole of the Burwell Fen triangle. Within minutes located a singing Reed Warbler and then a second further up. At least seven Sedge Warbler calling away and a Grasshopper Warbler was reeling well. A distant call of a Cuckoo meant spring was really here and summer is just around the corner.

Spring Arrivals
Reed Warbler
2017: 27th April
2016: 25th April
2015: 25th April
2014: 10th April

Grasshopper Warbler
2017: 21st April
2016: Not recorded!
2015: 25th June
2014: 11th April

2017: 24th April
2016: 22nd April
2015: 25th April
2014: 23rd April
First Sedge Warbler of the year

Sedge Warbler

Friday, 13 April 2018

13/4/2018: Burwell Fen


09.15 to 10.30: No joy this morning looking for the Purple Heron and no Garganey present.

Usual wildfowl and four Wigeon on the pool by the car park. Single Egyptian Goose on main pool.

A few Swallow and plenty of Reed Bunting. Kingfisher along the river.

Two Buzzard on Tubney Fen.

Thursday, 12 April 2018

12/4/2018: Burwell Fen: Can you find the Purple Heron?


Reports of a Purple Heron came in yesterday afternoon but it wasn't until this afternoon that I was able to get out there to have a look.

Arrived just after 4.15 and walked the bank up to Pouts Hall. Report came in that it was seen at 3.50 to drop into the reeds between the two pools and to be calling but no joy.

Bittern booming  and  three Marsh Harrier (2 male). Five Great Crested Grebe and plenty of Shelduck, Shoveler and Gadwall present.

A pair of Garganey flew from the pool by the bridge.

So, no luck with the Purple Heron. Oh well there is always tomorrow.

Monday, 9 April 2018

9/4/2018: Tubney and Burwell Fen.


A grey morning with pretty constant drizzle through this morning's walk.

Good numbers of Swallow feeding over the flooded areas with more resting in the reeds. Marsh Harrier showing well with both male (1) and female (3) moving around and a female tumbling.

Male Stonechat by the Upward Bridge. Good numbers of Shelduck, Shoveler and Gadwall. Fewer numbers of Teal and Tufted Duck. Only two Widgeon observed in the lower part of Burwell Fen.

Sunday, 8 April 2018

8/4/2018: Returning summer visitors


Four Swallow at Pantile Farm yesterday 7th April and a couple of calling Chiffchaff at Barway. 

On the local patch this morning two singing male Blackcap along the river and three Chiffchaff calling away.

Comparison of arrival dates:

2017: 2nd April
2016: 15th April
2015: 11th April
2014: 8th April

2017: 11th March
2016: 12th Feb
2015: 13th March
2014: 15th Jan

Significant that didn't record any Chiffchaff during the winter of 2017/18.

2017: 28th March
2016: 12th April
2015: 12th April
2014: 4th April

No Blackcap seen during the winter this year although have in the past.