Monday, 17 December 2018

Week commencing 17th December

Monday 17th

After a blustery and wet weekend it was nice to get out into a still Burwell. Planned to cover the lower half of the Fen from the Reach Bridge to Cock Up and back via the Old Barn. However, having met another birder who reported that he had heard of a Slavonian Grebe was somewhere along Burwell Lode, I decided to walk up to Pout's Hall and down the other side.

Good number of Stonechat were to be found along the side of the paths and a very bright Yellowhammer was associating with Reed Bunting by the nearest cattle grid to Cock Up. Little GrebeWalking down the Lode towards Burwell produced three Little Grebe and a couple of Mute Swan but no Slavonian Grebe. There were however a rather sizable flock (C20) of Skylark on the arable field on the opposite bank.

Headed towards Pout's Hall, again spotting Stonechat as we went. A few Fieldfare were in the bushes along with as were a small flock of mainly male Chaffinch.

As we got to the lake at Pout's Hall spotted a grebe ahead by the confluence of the two Lodes. Even with just a quick look it was obvious from its colouring and outline that this was a Slavonian Grebe. Moving closer got a better view but sadly not good enough for a photo. The Grebe seemed to head into Reach Lode so cut along the base of the Lake and down the little track to the point. However only had the briefest of glance before losing it. Fifteen minutes of moving between lodes proved to be pointless. I'm assuming this is the one that has been on the River Cam near The Lazy Otter pub for the last few weeks.

Heading back towards the Reach Bridge was able to spot a Short-Eared Owl on the far side. At the flooded ditch which crosses the lower part of the fen located two Water Pipit feeding along the edge. Managed to get a couple of 'record' shots of them but not great images!

Record shot of Water Pipits

Record shot of Water Pipits
Total Species recorded: 37

Thursday 20th

Out to Burwell Fen and along the bank towards Pout's Hall. Beautiful day but very quiet bird-wise. No sign of the Water Pipits and the number of wildfowl seemed reduced. However, was nice to find five Pintail (2 male), a species last seen on Baker's Fen in March. Other than that all very quiet!

Friday 21st

A grey and miserable day at Welney! Plenty of Pintail around and vast numbers of Lapwing, Wigeon, Teal and Mallard. Many of the Whooper and Bewick Swan were out on the fields and a Great White Egret was on Lady Frn.

Managed to catch up with the escaped Ringed-necked Teal that had been appearing at the early morning feed but which soon disappears back into the undergrowth. Today it was showing well in front of the Main Hide.

Ringed-necked Teal

Ringed-necked Teal

Vast numbers of Black-tailed Godwit were showin g well as were Golden Plover. On the far side of a bank a White Stork was slinking through the undergrowth, another escapee that has been up and down the washes for a while.

Number of species recorded: 44

Monday, 10 December 2018

Week commencing 10th December

Monday 10th 

Having had to make a made dash to Donegal on 'family business' little birdwatching was done last week other than spotting a nice group of Red-Breasted Merganser(7 mixed), five male and two female Eider and a few Common Gull, while waiting for the ferry at Cairnryan. On the other side Hooded Crow were present in good numbers.

So it was nice to get back to wondering the bank at Burwell Fen with the dogs. The weather was pretty ropey, grey and cold and sadly so was the bird watching! Small numbers of the usual waterfowl with the addition of two Egyptian Goose and two male Pochard.

A female Marsh Harrier was present as was a Buzzard.

Number of species recorded: 23

Monday, 3 December 2018

Week commencing 3rd December

Monday 3rd

Weather: 11° C, Wind SW, 15 mph, Cloud 90%, Visibility :7 miles, Light drizzle.

Very quiet at Burwell Fen this morning. Little to see on the lower section which still remains dry. As we were walking up to the top end a number of Water Rail were calling along with a couple of very vocal Cetti's Warbler, one that actually showed itself.

The waterfowl were all gathered over on the far side of the flooded area but not in vast numbers and limited to Wigeon, Teal and Mallard with a couple of Shoveler mixed in.

A male Marsh Harrier was cruising the far side. This male was the first I've seen since 1st November.