Monday, 7 March 2022

March already!

Has been a while since I last posted but can't really say that there has been much to report. A couple of nice sightings of Hen Harrier (1 male, 1 female) at Burwell Fen brightened up another rather dull spell of birdwatching there and with the increase in fuel prices, I've rather withdrawn from covering this area in favour of closer to home.

A trip to Krakow for a few days during half term was very pleasant with warm weather not the -20 of this time last year. I do like coming across Fieldfare in a city park. They seem so tame, rather than the flighty flocks we have in the winter.

Spring has returned to the pond with the frogs returning last Monday. First spawn appeared the following day but then all went quiet until Friday when a mass invasion occurred with at least 40 frogs present calling away. More spawn this morning (7th).