Friday, 2 January 2015

2/1/15: Local Patch and Burwell Fen

2nd January 2015

Local Patch:

Duration:20 mins

Number of species recorded: 9

Short walk this morning produced a Green Woodpecker and very little else. A very quiet morning.

Burwell Fen: 14.15 to 16.45

Duration: 2hrs 30min

Number of species recorded: 39 species plus Roe Deer (16)

I am fortunate to live within striking distance of Wicken Fen and its expanding environs. For the last few years I have been visiting Burwell Fen and have watched its gradual change from an arable area to an increasingly important part of the nature reserve.

The building of the bund and the flooding of the fields each year has encouraged a range of bird life to make use of the area. Burwell Fen has become an area of importance for Short Eared Owls with numbers ranged from just a couple up to a reported 17.

This afternoon was cold with a moderate breeze. There seemed to be a lot of people around. Usually the place is quiet but the holiday sessions seems to have brought everyone out. There was a lot of photographers out but it was good to see that the majority were sticking to the public rights of way and not, as in recent days, walking through the middle of highly sensitive areas in the hope of a snap of the owls. I've never quite understood this need to go hunting for the owls. Stand still for long enough and they invariably pass by! Given the size of lens that some of these photographers carry they could get a good picture of the owls from the centre cafe!

Other sightings of interest:

1 Ring tailed Hen Harrier
3 Stonechats
3 Barn Owls
2 Little Egrets

Male Stonechat: Burwell Fen

Report of a family of Bewick Swans with Mute Swans over on Tubney Fen. Must check it out as I haven't recorded Bewick in this area before.

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