Tuesday, 13 January 2015

13/1/2015: Lower Burwell Fen


Work cancelled so off for a walk around the lower part of Burwell Fen. A Little Egret greeted us as we crossed the Reach Bridge and while watching it move through the long grass spotted a pair of Stonechat.

Very little to see while walking along the lower footpath other than a couple of Grey Heron. On the pool by Cock Up Bridge were a good number of Wigeon and in the grass nearby Fieldfare.

Crossing from the barns to the Reach Bridge a Short Eared Owl and a Ring Tailed Hen Harrier put in appearances. Shortly afterwards while checking out the flooded areas another sighting of a Short Eared Owl and a female Marsh Harrier passed over.

By this time the pleasant weather of the late morning was rapidly disappearing. As I chatted to a fisherman the clouds grew dark and heavy and soon rain started to fall. The temperature seemed to plummet and conditions become quite unpleasant so beat a hasty retreat to the car and home.

Duration: 2hrs

Number of species recorded: 25

Highlight: Short eared Owl and Stonechats

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