Saturday, 13 June 2015

23-25th May 2015: Molino Rio Alagar

Our fifth visit to this wonderful part of Spain with plenty of time for birdwatching and enjoying the sun.
Zora: Home for the week

24th May: up early to see what's around and about. Serin were as ever present as were Nuthatch, many feeding young. Great to locate a number of Firecrest as I hadn't seen any in this area before. Spotted flycatcher ever present as Nightingale which showed well throughout the week! A light phase Booted Eagle cruised over and later a Griffon Vulture passed slowly over the hill edge. A pair of Cirl Buntings visited the vegetable patch for a short while during lunch! 

25th May: Took myself of to drive the Aroche-Cadezas Rubias road. Debbie and I did this one afternoon a couple of years ago and I vowed to return. The road (if you can call it a road) crosses the sierra and climbs into the hills. At any point along the journey even the briefest stop produces something exciting. The road leads to what was once a Black Vulture feeding point but this has been stopped due to egg thefts. However good views of Black and Griffon Vultures were had as well as Short Toed Eagle and Booted Eagle. Other highlights were:

Azure-winged Magpie  ("Cyanopica cyanus")
Black Vulture  ("Coragyps atratus")
Black-eared Wheatear  ("Oenanthe hispanica")
Booted Eagle  ("Hieraaetus pennatus")
Cetti's Warbler  ("Cettia cetti")
Corn Bunting  ("Emberiza calandra")
Crag Martin  ("Ptyonoprogne rupestris")
Cuckoo  ("Cuculus canorus")
Dartford Warbler  ("Sylvia undata")
Fan-tailed Warbler  ("Cisticola juncidis")
Golden Oriole  ("Oriolus oriolus")
Grey Wagtail  ("Motacilla cinerea")
Griffon Vulture  ("Gyps fulvus")
Hoopoe  ("Upupa epops")
House Martin  ("Delichon urbicum")
Linnet  ("Carduelis cannabina")
Melodious Warbler  ("Hippolais polyglotta")
Nightingale  ("Luscinia megarhynchos")
Raven  ("Corvus corax")
Red-rumped Swallow  ("Cecropis daurica")
Sardinian Warbler  ("Sylvia melanocephala")
Short-toed Eagle  ("Circaetus gallicus")
Stonechat  ("Saxicola torquatus")
Swift  ("Apus apus")
Thekla Lark  ("Galerida theklae")
Whinchat  ("Saxicola rubetra")
Whitethroat  ("Sylvia communis")
Woodchat Shrike  ("Lanius senator")

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