Beautiful morning so off to Burwell Fen. Decided to just do the lower part so set off along the cycle path from the bridge towards the cattle grid. Little around but such a wonderful morning that it didn't really matter.
Max and Annie pottered along. Annie is getting bolder and likes to be ahead. She reminds me of Grania, not only in her colour but in the way she moves and explores. From time to time she launched an attack on Max which he repeals with a deep growl and a snap.
The pools by the cycle path held a few Teal and a couple of Snipe. No sign of Stone or Whinchat as hoped. However, along the path to the barn Annie disturbed a female Wheatear. Her 'bird training' seems to be working as a quick call brought her back to heal as the Wheatear fluttered a few yards further up the path.
Annie's first twitch: female Wheatear: taken using mobile phone through telescope
After a short time pottering in front of us, Annie decided to investigate further and see what all the fuss was about. The Wheatear moved to the gate post and sat for long enough for me to get a few more pictures.
All photos taken using Samsung Galaxy 4 mobilephone through Nikon EDG 60 Telescope using an Tonta DA-1 Butterfly Adaptor
Little along the main pools. Five Ruff flew by and three Little Egret and Little Grebe were present.
Little Fen Road
Coming down toward Burwell Fen from Upware I noticed that a field on the left had a number of areas of standing water. A check of these produced eight Ringed Plover, two Ruff, four Lapwing, seventeen Black-Headed Gull and One Yellow-Legged Gull which was a pleasant surprise!
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