Tuesday, 13 October 2015

13/10/2015: Quiet morning around Barker's Fen


A rather cold and grey morning with the threat of rain in the air. Arrived early at Barker's Fen to find no-one around and it stayed that way! Even the birds seem to have decided to stay in whatever warmth they could find. Interestingly the most vocal birds throughout the whole two hour walk were Cetti's Warbler with at least nine calling from various locations.

Popped into Charlie's hide mainly to get Annie used to going in and sitting quietly in such a place. Nothing to see from the hide but two Carrion Crow and a rather adventurous snail climbing in through the viewing flap!

Snail popping in to Charlie's hide

Just beyond Charlie's the pinging of Bearded Tit attracted my attention and shortly a pair made an appearance and I was able to get some good shots mainly of the male.

Male (lower) and female Bearded Tit

The female quickly disappeared but the male stuck around for a while longer and so I was able to get some good shoot using the bridge camera.

Bearded Tit (male)
These proved to be the highlight of the walk as very little was seen or heard. Never mind there is always another day!

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