Sunday, 13 November 2016

Yet another catch up!!

So September and October have disappeared and here we are half way through November and not an entry! I promise I have been out and about over the fens in search of birds but little to report other than the usual!

However Tuesday 11th November saw the dogs and I wandering down the bank at Burwell. There had been reports of a Great Grey Shrike in the area while we had been away in Spain so we had tried a few days earlier with no luck. So it was a pleasant surprise when it suddenly appeared on the wires.

Sadly as I manoeuvred closer it took flight and disappeared behind a tree. 20 minutes of searching proved fruitless and so we moved on!

The fen has been partly flooded. Not, it would seem, to the depth of previous years so we wait and see what is drawn in over the winter. 

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