Monday, 4 June 2018

Week commencing 4th June 2018

Monday 4th

Out to Burwell Fen on a rather grey was the bird watching. Little of interest around other than two Egyptian Goose and a male Marsh Harrier. A single male Pochard on show and a record number of five Great Crested Grebe resting on the main pool. Other than that a pretty dull day all round!

A quick evening walk along the sidings produced three Blackcap, two Chiffchaff and female Bullfinch.

33 species recorded

Tuesday 5th

Stayed to the local patch this am with a walk along the sidings and then down the river. While recording the call of the local Cuckoo a Hobby passed overhead and along the sidings. A good number of Blackcap singing but the ones that I could see were all male.

Whitethroat and a couple of Reed Warbler along the river and a new species for this patch with two Stock Dove.

24 species recorded

Wednesday 6th

Up to Cock Up for a walk along Harrison's Drove. Just the usual stuff!

Binoculars gone off for a service and clean. Hope they return soon!

Thursday 7th

Local patch. nothing to report, just the usual.

19 species recorded

Friday 8th

Up and off to Santon Warren and a walk through the woods. Plenty of Chiffchaff and Blackcap around and good views and photo opportunity for Linnet. 

Female Linnet

Yellowhammer calling in a number of locations as were Woodlark. Lots of Blue Tit with young moving through trees as were Coal and Long tail Tit. 

Tree Pipit were showing well along the path to the Railway Cottage. At the Church both Pied and Grey Wagtail were showing well.

Grey Wagtail

Grey Wagtail

Grey Wagtail

Grey Wagtail

Pied Wagtail

Pied Wagtail
31 species recorded

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