Tuesday, 31 July 2018

Week commencing 30th July

Monday 30th

London all day for Lizzie's graduation so other than coming across a ringed Racing Pigeon mixed in with the local lads at The Barbican nothing to report.

Tuesday 31st

Picked up the dogs and headed out to Burwell Fen. Walked across the fen to the old barn and back. Very little around. A Green Sandpiper on the pool by the bridge along with two Moorhen. A couple of young Pied Wagtail on the dried out middle pool but very little else.

Good number of Swift feeding over the house this evening, the first seen for two days. Up to 30 birds flying around and while watching spotted something very large flying at a great height. By the time I got the binoculars was unable to relocate it but it was sizable!

Wednesday 1st August

Debbie and Diane started their walk of the North Norfolk Coastal Path today with the section from Old Hunstanton to Brancaster. By agreeing to be their sherpa I'm able to drop them off and then go off bird watching for the day until they require picking up. Having dropped them off at lunchtime (on early start for these walkers!) I headed off to Titchwell.

The weather is again warming up after the few days of heavy rain and cloud cover and this time of year is not the best for birding anywhere but a good number of Black and Bar tailed Godwit present as were Avocet and Ruff. 

One Spoonbill flew over. Was unable to spot the reported Lesser Yellowleg despite two chaps next to me claiming to see it right in front of us. Neither could give accurate directions ('between the Greylag and the Black-tailed Godwit'!!!) and if what I was looking at was what they were looking at it was a juv Redshank to me!

Monday, 23 July 2018

Week commencing 23rd July

Monday 23rd

Guess what..... another hot day. Got out of the Yeti at the parking area and the heat nearly drove me back into the car!

Some water still left in the pool by the bridge and this morning a single Green Sandpiper was present along with a couple of Moorhen and a Grey Heron, with wings spread, sunning itself. Other than three female Mallard there was a single young Little Grebe on the remaining channel of water on the lower pool.

Good numbers of Reed and Sedge Warbler showing as we walked along the river bank to the upper pools which now were pretty dried up! Another Green Sandpiper here along with a single Snipe. A number of House Martin were dropping in to gather mud and a good number of Swift still present with Swallow passing through.

Beat a hasty retreat as it got even warmer and was home by 8.30 am. While having breakfast in the garden heard the distant call of a Crane passing over Soham Fen. A bit too distant to claim it as a garden tick.

Rest of the Week

Absolutely nothing to report! Single Hobby along the railway sidings on Thursday evening and that was about it, other than the Swift seem to have departed in force by Friday.

Wednesday, 18 July 2018

Week commencing 16th July

Monday 16th

Hot again. By 08.45 it was time to head for home and breakfast! Before that good views of increasing number of Snipe, fourteen Green Sandpiper and three Greenshank. There were fourteen Black-tailed Godwit (one ringed but unable to get them) and four Little Ringed Plover. 

The highlight however was two Common Sandpiper last recording them here on the 29th August 2017.

The fen continues to dry out rapidly, currently being very attractive to waders but if this hot weather continues may get baked hard before more can arrive.
Burwell Fen drying out!

Wednesday 18th

Much cooler this morning with near 100% cloud cover. However still a bit on the muggy side. Much of the water has gone and the mud is drying out. Little on the lower half of the fen with just Coot, Moorhen and five Little Grebe (one adult and four young.)

Lower Burwell Fen
Only the middle channel holding water in the upper area. Five Green Sandpiper and a few Black-tailed Godwit and Ruff showing.

A couple of Crane flew in from the south and landed on the far side of the fen, calling as they landed. 

Common Crane
I've spent more time recently working through Starling flocks in the hope of finding a Rosy-coloured Starling but so far no luck!

Starling hitching a ride

Upper Burwell Fen
Friday 20th

Hot! What more can you say; it goes on and on and next week looks even hotter. Very little water left and what is left gives little 'support' for the local Mute Swan flotilla.

Mute Swan
Two Buzzard showing interesting contrasting plumage while sitting on the electricity posts.


A few Green Sandpiper around and at least two Greenshank on the far side. Two Cranes passed over and continued their journey towards the north.

A Sedge Warbler was showing well.

Sedge Warbler

Sedge Warbler

Sedge Warbler

Monday, 9 July 2018

Week commencing 9th July: And the heat goes on

Monday 9th

A Wood Sandpiper was reported at Burwell Fen over the weekend so headed out early again this morning to see if it was still about. Another hot day was forecast so its best to be up and about early for the dogs to get a good walk before the heat gets too us all.

The lower pools were very quiet with little around other than numerous Coot with young. One attarcted my attention as it was dragging its left leg as it moved around. The lonesome Egyptian Goose had been joined by another and there were a few Teal, Gadwall and Mallard around.

The middle pool towards the barn is pretty much water-less and it will not be long before it is baked dry, if this heat continues.

Headed up towards Pouts Hall and the upper pools. These, I understand, are deeper and so hold the water longer than Lower Burwell. The far middle pool was crammed with Little Egret with at least 56 present in that area alone and a high number of Grey Heron. 

Grey Heron (gaining shelter or showing amazing signs of evolution and now house building?

Forty-nine Black-tailed Godwit were present and busy feeding and grooming. Amongst them were nineteen Ruff and two Greenshank. A couple of Dunlin in full breeding plumage were feeding on one of the islands as were seven Little Ringed Plover. 

Good numbers of Green Sandpiper were showing well and bingo not one but two Wood Sandpiper tucked into one of the far banks. Distant views but worth the effort.

45 species recorded

Tuesday 11th

Covered the local patch this morning, going along the old railway sidings, cross the railway line and along the river towards Angle Common. Weather warm and its going to be another hot day.

A family group of Bullfinch along the sidings with the parents feeding four young. Although I had brought the camera I hadn't checked the battery and it was flat so another opportunity missed! Hopefully they might be around for a few days so I'll get another chance.Other than that, pretty much the usual.

Friday 13th

Early morning return to Burwell Fen with another hot day the making. Other than the main ditch the bottom end of the fen near the path to the old barn is pretty much dried out and is beginning to be baked hard. The ditch is holding lots of Coot with a few Little Grebe and a couple of Moorhen. Plenty of young around as well.

Further up the far pool seems to be holding the main gathering of Grey Heron, Little Egret and Canada and Grey Goose. A good number of Cormorant loafing on the islands.

The top pool and the pool around Pouts Hall are rapidly drying out. On Monday there was a covering of water in both areas, now it is dry down to just beyond the research pen. Lots of exposed mud so lets hope it attracts the waders before it becomes too baked, which, sadly I think will happen sooner than later.

A family group of four Avocet was pleasing to see as I have not had any in this location since the 16th May 2017.
Avocet (Mobiscoped)

Avocet (Mobiscoped)

Avocet (Coolpix P900)

Avocet (Coolpix P900)
Six Little Ringed Plover spread out across the drying mud and eleven Black-tailed Godwit were feeding on the far side. The number of Ruff are increasing and many have some interesting plumage as the breeding session ends.


At least six Green Sandpiper and two Greenshank and three Redshank around along with two Snipe and Dunlin.

Monday, 2 July 2018

Week commencing 2nd July

Monday 2nd

Hot weather continues, so again up and out early to Burwell Fen. Usual good numbers of Grey Heron and Little Egret around the Roost Tree and at the top end of the Fen.

Little Egret and Grey Heron

Grey Heron
A group of twenty-three Black-tailed Godwit feeding on the far side towards Pouts' Hall.

Black-tailed Godwit
There was also three Ruff at Pouts Hall and a single one on the pool nearest to the path. A single Egyptian Goose was still present as were three Little Ringed Plover. A Water Rail was calling nearby but as yet they seem to be reluctant to show themselves as well as they did last year.

A Greenshank is summer plumage was showing well on the pool near the path to the old barn.

45 species recorded

Tuesday 3rd

A more leisurely start to the morning with a walk around my local patch. Interesting that the usual song of the Blackcap was missing but replaced by that of Garden Warbler. Usually there are three or four singing along the sidings of river but today not a sound. However the three Garden Warbler made up for the Blackcap.

Female House Sparrow: The background reminds me of Spain or Italy in the summer not the Cambridgeshire Fens.
Little else of note except a kerfuffle from the local Swift attracted my attention to a passing Sparrowhawk.

This evening, while walking along the sidings, a Sparrowhawk (same one?) was kicking up its own kerfuffle and drove a Buzzard out of the trees.

Added a tick to my garden list this evening with two Lapwing passing over the house.

Wednesday 4th

The hot weather continues so up and out again early to see if anything new had moved in overnight to the Burwell area.Up to seven Green Sandpiper across the fen and a seven Black-tailed Godwit on the top pool.
Black-tailed Godwit
Seven Ruff were present. An immature Caspian Gull was in with the Black-headed Gull.

Thursday 5th

Covered the local patch this morning, Blackcap, Chiffchaff and Garden Warbler present along the siding and Whitethroat and Reed Warbler along the river. A Stock Dove put in an appearance.

Friday 6th

Still hot! Back to Burwell to cover the lower section from bridge to barn and back.
Five Black-tailed Godwit and the same number of Little Ringed Plover on the pool and area of mud. The single Egyptian Goose still mooching around. Also seem to be a lot of Hare around; sadly Annie disgraced herself by chasing one!

On the way back came across a Water Rail with at least three chicks that was showing well along the ditch to the left of the path heading towards the bridge.

Water Rail

Water Rail

Water Rail

Water Rail

Water Rail

Water Rail and one of at least three chicks
35 species recorded