Tuesday, 31 July 2018

Week commencing 30th July

Monday 30th

London all day for Lizzie's graduation so other than coming across a ringed Racing Pigeon mixed in with the local lads at The Barbican nothing to report.

Tuesday 31st

Picked up the dogs and headed out to Burwell Fen. Walked across the fen to the old barn and back. Very little around. A Green Sandpiper on the pool by the bridge along with two Moorhen. A couple of young Pied Wagtail on the dried out middle pool but very little else.

Good number of Swift feeding over the house this evening, the first seen for two days. Up to 30 birds flying around and while watching spotted something very large flying at a great height. By the time I got the binoculars was unable to relocate it but it was sizable!

Wednesday 1st August

Debbie and Diane started their walk of the North Norfolk Coastal Path today with the section from Old Hunstanton to Brancaster. By agreeing to be their sherpa I'm able to drop them off and then go off bird watching for the day until they require picking up. Having dropped them off at lunchtime (on early start for these walkers!) I headed off to Titchwell.

The weather is again warming up after the few days of heavy rain and cloud cover and this time of year is not the best for birding anywhere but a good number of Black and Bar tailed Godwit present as were Avocet and Ruff. 

One Spoonbill flew over. Was unable to spot the reported Lesser Yellowleg despite two chaps next to me claiming to see it right in front of us. Neither could give accurate directions ('between the Greylag and the Black-tailed Godwit'!!!) and if what I was looking at was what they were looking at it was a juv Redshank to me!

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