Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Week commencing 24th September

Monday 24th

A clear, bright morning with the hint of autumn in the air. Decided to walk the bottom half of Burwell Fen from bridge to bridge and back through the middle. Nothing on the pool by the bridge and the pools by the cycleway will soon be dry.

A couple of Grey Heron passing over and although I heard the call of Common Crane I only got a very distant view of them as they flew Newmarket way.

Coming back from Cock up Bridge towards the Old Barn came across two, possibly three Whinchat flitting from post to post and into the long grass.



A Common Buzzard was receiving the usual attention from the local Carrion Crows as it passed over the fen.
Buzzard and Carrion Crow flying in close formation

Common Buzzard
A Meadow Pipit was foraging in the drying mud but little else was apparent.

Meadow Pipit

On Tuibney Fen, near the car park, two Stonechat were present.


 As was an obliging Wren


Tuesday 25th

Off to Harrogate today so no wandering the fens! However a very nice Red Kite over his flat as we strolled around the square.

Wednesday 26th

Walked the bank along Burwell Fen and the Reach Lode. Other than the local Buzzard, very little to report other than a Jay which was flying over the fen.

Thursday 27th

Plenty of Robin along the sidings this morning.


Spent the afternoon at the Ouse Washes (RSPB). Work on the bank has restricted access to the southern hide, which I have not visited for a long time. Only went as far as Welches Dam Hide. Some water out front holding a good number of Teal, Gadwall and a few Wigeon. On the pool to the left was a Greenshank, which was joined by another one later on. Marsh Harrier (female) and Buzzard present.

Friday 28th

Day spent at Welney. A quiet start to the morning with a few Whooper Swan and good numbers of Teal, Wigeon and Gadwell moving backwards and forwards.

Two Great White Egret flew in from the direction of Lady Fen and settled down on the far side of the reserve.

Great White Egret and earth movers

Great White Egret

On going back to the Centre was able to catch up with the 38 Common Crane that were pottering towards the back of Lady Fen.

Common Crane on Lady Fen

A group of Common Crane on Lady Fen
Throughout the day groups of Whopper Swan were in and out, moving from the main hide lagoon to Lady Fen.

Whooper Swan coming in for the winter!

Whooper Swan

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