Weather: 7 degrees C (feel 5 degrees C), Wind: N, 5 mph, Cloud 52%, Visibility 8 miles
Off to Burwell Fen this afternoon to walk the bank to Pout's Hall. It was feeling quite cold with a chilling breeze. The flooding of the lower section of the fen has not happened and when we got to the top section I realized that the water was no longer being let onto the fen. Whether they will continue to flood later on is not known but I do hope so as the lower half often attracts the more interesting arrivals!
Five Whooper Swan present but the numbers of wildfowl seemed to have dropped; Wigeon, Teal and Mallard were present but not in great numbers. A Cetti's Warbler was showing well down by the bridge and a further two were calling along the bank. Two Short-eared Owl were hunting over the usual fields by the barn.
On walking back notice that a number a geese had dropped in by the research pen. On scanning these I was pleased to discover that one was a White Fronted Goose. The heavily barred belly that was very apparent would make it one of the Greenland form of goose.
Record shot of White Fronted Goose (Greenland) |
Tuesday 27th
Weather: Mist clearing, 4°C (feel like 2°), Wind SE, 7 mph, Cloud 49%, Visibility: 5 miles following mist clearing.
A mist covered Burwell Fen this morning and took a while to slowly clear. Started out from Cock-Up Bridge to walk the Burwell Triangle. Little to see while crossing to the Old Barn other than a couple of male Stonechat. A group of thirty-eight Whooper Swan departed in small family groups until around 10 am when all had gone, leaving a carpet of white feathers on the middle pool.
Was hoping to have another look at the White-fronted Goose but despite the hundred plus Greylag on the pool was unable to locate it.
Mixed in with the Lapwing, were about thirty Golden Plover. Good numbers of Fieldfare were around Pout's Hall with a few Redwing mixed in.
There were also two Buzzards present, one with a very white chest. A female Marsh Harrier crossed the fen heading out towards Tubney Fen.
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