Sunday, 4 November 2018

Week commencing 4th November

Have been away for half term and then last week seemed to slip by without much, if anything, to report. The photographers have returned in numbers to Burwell Fen as the Owls have returned.

Monday 5th: 

Burwell Fen from Reach Bridge ot Pout's Hall and return

Weather: Slight mist, Light breeze: 7 mph from NW. Visibility Good. 34% Cloud thickening to 95% at 11.00 approx

A really nice morning for a stroll along the bank towards Pout's Hall. On the far side a Short-eared Owl was quartering the fields being photographed by only a couple of photographers, numbers being down from the 30 or so on Sunday!

Good numbers of Goldfinch were feeding on the teasel and other seed heads

Cetti's Warblers (5) very vocal and it was nice to come across a group of about five Bearded Tit in the reeds along the river towards Pout's Hall, where a Buzzard was loafing!

The flooding of Burwell Fen has commenced with the top section slowly going under water. It will be nice to watch its progress and see what might appear.

Day 5 of the flooding of Burwell Fen
Eight Coot and a single female Tufted Duck were on the top pool.

Number of species seen: 36

Tuesday 6th

Burwell Fen Triangle

Weather:13 degrees C, Wind NW 9 mph, Cloud 90%, Slight mist

The morning started well with two male Yellowhammer at Cock Up Bridge. This was the first time since July 2014!

Further along the bank was a pair of Stonechat. 

A Water Rail was calling at Pout's Hall as were Bearded Tit, both were heard but not seen. The flooding of Burwell continues as shown below.

Day 6
Number of species seen: 27

Wednesday 7th

A strange sort of day! Weather first thing not great so walked the local patch with the dogs and found nothing! So quiet it was that I can only imagine everything has moved away to a better location!

Bu 10.00 the weather had improved and as all duties done at home decided to try somewhere new. I do enjoy walking through woods so last night a quick search of the Woodland Trust site gave me a list of all the nearby woods that could be visited. So this morning we went to Priory Wood just outside Burwell on the way to Reach.

Priory Wood: Burwell
A very nice area with lots of pathways to explore. The only problem was the number of deer about which resulted in Annie disappearing off on a regular basis! 

The usual woodland species were present with a good number of tit, Long tailed, Blue and Great, about.

After our visit called in at Burwell Fen itself. Just scanned the lower part with little result except a nice group of eleven Grey Partridge down the drove road towards the Power Station.

Thursday 8th

Weather: 11 degrees C, Wind S: 23km/h, Visibility 11km, Cloud 13%

Back to Burwell Fen and along the bank to Pout's Hall. The flooding is in its eighth day by my calculation and is now beginning to fill some of the middle areas of the fen.

Day eight of flooding
A few more Teal and Wigeon appearing further up the fen towards Pout's Hall.

Good number of Fieldfare over and plenty of Carrion Crow and Jackdaw feeding on the flooding grass.

A Kingfisher was on the lake as was the female Tufted Duck and Coot. Good views of at least 3 possibly 4 Stonechat showing well.

Roe Deer

Roe Deer
Friday 9th

All day at Welney. A Short-eared Owl first thing this morning down by Nelson-Lyle Hide but not seen again for the rest of the day.
Curlew calling from somewhere out on Lady Fen but not seen. Good numbers of Black-tailed Godwit (c500) and Golden Plover distant.

Numbers of Whooper increasing but still no Bewick Swan. Increased numbers of Wigeon and Teal with Pochard figures increasing. Only three Pintail sighted.

A Peregrine over caused a great deal of movement and at least three female Marsh Harrier about.

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