Sunday, 6 January 2019

Week commencing 1st January 2019

Busy with family commitments so haven't spent much time out and about birding until Friday 4th when off to Welney for a day of physical activity to burn off the turkey.

All quiet when I arrived as everyone was over in the Main Hide looking at the Ring-necked Duck (male), that had appeared the night before. It was showing well from the Main Hide, mixed in with the Pochard. By the time I go my camera out it decided to tuck its head away and snooze.

A rather poor record shot of it a little later in the morning when it had moved to one of the spits.

Good numbers of Black-tailed Godwit around but despite watching them while having lunch could not find any that were ringed.

While lunching spotted a Rough-legged Buzzard on the far side being driven off by Carrion Crow and the wandering White Stork in the same area. 

Number of species seen: 49

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