Monday, 21 January 2019

Week commencing 21st January

Monday 21st

Weather: 5° (feeling like -2°), Wind 5mph, SW, Cloud 100% clearing to 40% by noon, Visibility 1 mile increasing to 5 miles.

Much of the water at Burwell Fen was iced over so other than a couple of Moorhen there was nothing on the lower half of the flooded area.

A small patch was not frozen on the main flood area and fortunately was near to the bank so much of the waterfowl was closer in than usual. About a hundred Teal and a similar number of Wigeon were present with a good number of Shoveler present and three Shelduck further out on the ice.

Two Short-eared Owl were quartering the far side and both a male and female Marsh Harrier were present.

Number of species seen: 35

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