Monday, 18 March 2019

Week commencing 18th March

Monday 18th

First day for a week that we haven't had high winds, so it was nice to be up early and out before 7.30 am.

A Short-eared Owl was sat on one of the fence posts by the Upware Bridge and that was the highlight of the whole visit! It was very quiet with little around other than two Egyptian Goose on the lower pool.

We await the arrival of spring and any passing migrants!

Wednesday 20th

Another nice morning so off to Cock-Up Bridge for a walk around Adventure's and Baker's Fen. Cetti's Warbler activity has greatly increased with birds calling from numerous place some showing well. Chiffchaff numbers also increasing and becoming more vocal. A number of Marsh Harrier were present with at least three females attracting the attention of the males. One female was particularly vocal. Two Red Kite put in a brief appearance before heading off towards Kingfisher Bridge.

Red Kite, one of two over Upwell
Good to see a Bearded Tit, the first for this year! Wigeon numbers declining and Teal seem to be more hidden.

Number of species seen: 45

Thursday 21st

All quiet out on the fen this morning. Wigeon numbers down and Teal less obvious. Shelduck number increasing. Other than that all quiet.

Number of species seen: 33

Friday 22nd

All day at Welney doing various jobs etc. Two Cattle Egret by the bridge on the way in and then later 1 mixed in with the Black-tailed Godwits from Reedbed Hide.

Cattle Egret and Black-tailed Godwit

Cattle Egret and Black-tailed Godwit
A couple of Great White Egret out on Lady Fen as was a Spoonbill but didn't put in an appearance while I was out and about.

Number of Species seen: 50

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