Monday, 1 February 2021

Week commencing 1st February 2021

 Monday 1st February

A cold and damp morning saw us out at Burwell Fen. Haven't been out here for a week or so due to lockdown and car issues. Plenty of water about with some fields flooded that I haven't seen flooded before or to such an extent.

Sadly, although plenty of water, very few birds of interest! The usual wildfowl present with the addition of five Shelduck.  A Sparrowhawk was showing well as was a male Marsh Harrier.

Sparrowhawk (Male)

Sparrowhawk (Male)

Large numbers of  Greylag were present and very vocal. Groups of them were moving from the pools to the nearby fields and visa versa.

A Cetti's Warbler was calling and one flitted across the bank while we were heading back.

Two Common Crane dropped in for a short while before departing towards Tubney Fen. 

Common Crane

Common Crane fly over

Number of Species recorded: 30

Tuesday 2nd February

With lockdown restrictions still enforce travel is somewhat limited. Not wanting to adventure too far saw us over at Barway this morning. As always, very quiet with not a soul around, therefore nice and covid safe!

Plenty of Chaffinch  and Reed Bunting about and a single female Stonechat by the river.

Stonechat (Female)

Two Little Grebe were on the far side of the river. 

Little Grebe (Winter plumage)

A large gathering of over sixty Mute Swan were on the field.

Number of species recorded: 32 

Black-headed Gull (Winter plumage)

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