Monday, 22 February 2021

Week commencing 22nd February

Monday 22nd February

Grey morning out at Burwell. Corn Bunting present around the car park and plenty of Greylag throughout the area. A fine looking female Marsh Harrier was quartering the lower half of Burwell stirring up the wildfowl.

A large den has been dug into the bank near the gate. The amount of soil shifted and the distinct paths leading out along the bank would indicate Badger. It does beg the question as to how long it can be left before it weakens the bank.

Badger set

A group of eleven Pintail were at the top end of the fen, along with a good number of Wigeon, Shoveler, Mallard and Teal.

were singing across the fen and I got a brief glimpse of a Bearded Tit, although they were calling from the rushes but were not showing clearly.

Number of species recorded: 29

Wednesday 24th February

Mid morning visit to Burwell Fen during a pleasant pre-spring morning. Initially very little at the bottom end so headed up to the top pool. Lots of Greylag passing back and forth. Checked out a group on the flooded field on the other side of the river and came across four White fronted Goose. They were happily feeding until disturbed by a land rover.

White fronted Goose: Digiscoped on mobile phone

White fronted Goose: Digiscoped on mobile phone

Good numbers of wildfowl on the big pool with at least eleven Pintail amongst them.

Pintail: Digiscoped on mobile phone

On the pool by the bridge were two Oystercatcher. In previous years they have nested here, so we await developments!

Oystercatcher: Digiscoped on mobile phone

Oystercatcher: Digiscoped on mobile phone

Number of species recorded:36


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