Monday, 22 March 2021

Week commencing 22nd March

 Monday 22nd

A lovely morning out at Burwell Fen this morning. Very mild and spring like with lots of Skylark on the wing and singing and Lapwing displaying over the fields.

The usual gaggle of Greylag coming and going from the fields along with a few Canada Goose.

A small flock of five Whooper Swan were on the large pool towards the top. Highly likely that they were from the flock that has been on the fields by Chain Causeway.

A nice collection of Cormorant were loafing on the research pen posts and were joined by a single Common Gull.

Number of species recorded: 39

Tuesday 23rd

While walking the dogs this morning (7.40) on Angle Common I heard a Cetti's Warbler calling from near the cattle creep. This was the first time I've every heard on in this area. While out this afternoon in the same location the Cett's was calling further along the railway line towards the industrial estate.
A New area species.

The day spent working at Welney. Water levels are quickly going down so the spring migration might be interesting. at least four Cattle Egret present and a single Great Egret. 

Cattle Egret: one of four present

Lots of Pintail on the main reserve as well as the usual wildfowl. Whooper Swan numbers on the fields are down with family groups moving off during the day. The reserve will soon be empty of our winter visitors.

Lots of Redshank busy calling as were Oystercatchers. Dunlin also present.

Number of species recorded: 60

Wednesday 24th

A rather cold morning with brief period of light rain. Parked at Cock Up Bridge and walked the perimeter of Adventurer's Fen. Lots of Cetti's Wabler calling and a couple giving brief views. Also very vocal were Chiffchaff with at least seven birds calling at different locations. Marsh Harrier were showing well with at least four female and 2 male on the wing. 

Two Common Crane were visible from Harrison's Drove. One quickly disappeared down into the tall vegetation while the other spent sometime preening before moving off.

Number of species seen: 38

Thursday 25th

Back to Burwell Fen and how quickly it has emptied out. Individual species of wildfowl numbers have fallen and Shoveler is now the dominant species. Little Grebe are more obvious and calling throughout. 

A Crane dropped in to Adventure's Fen so its likely to be one of the birds possibly breeding there. A Dunlin was on the pool by the bridge with a Redshank.  Other than that fairly quiet morning.

Number of species recorded: 39

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