Saturday, 8 May 2021

Catch Up Time Again!

 A short posting on the 26th April was my last entry so time for a short catch up. I continue to bimble around looking for birds here and there! 


On the 27th I spent the day pottering oat Welney doing a few jobs here and there. Managed to add two more to this years list, a couple of Greenshank on Bank Farm and a Spotted Redshank outside the Lyle Hide.

It was good to see a good number of Hare out on Lady Fen and was able to capture a couple of good photos.

A very confiding Red-legged Partridge was sitting on the drove path and allowed some good close up shots.

29th April

The morning spent at three sites around Thetford Forest. Thetford Heath produced a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker to add to this list. King's Forest added Tree Pipit to the list and some good photos of Woodlark.

Cavenham Heath added Garden Warbler, House Martin and Swift.

2nd May

An evening visit to Burwell Fen produced a single Crane, just north of the car park, foraging. Five Whimbrel were on the fields by the old barn location, which added to the list.

7th May

Morning visit to Adventure's Fen to see if there had been any developments with the Cranes. Cetti's Warbler were making their presence noticed by calling loudly and in a couple of cases showing well.

A Barn Owl was located sitting in a tree and I got a couple of good shots.

Good numbers of Willow, Chiffchaff, Blackcap and Grasshopper Warbler are now established and there are increasing numbers of Swift, Swallow and House Martin.

Both Cranes were out foraging which might indicate lack of success. However we should know in the next week if chicks have survived the local Fox.

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