Monday 14th 09.20-10.25
Scattered showers at Burwell Fen this morning gave way to a brief period of sunshine. Nothing on the bridge pool but two Little Egret feeding in the ditch by the big tree.
It was good to see some water further up, near to Pout's Hall. This held further Little Egret (5), Green Sandpiper (2) and Yellow Wagtail (3).
A flock of nine Swift crossed the fen heading south and a large flock of House Martin with Swallow mixed in hunting over the reeds.
Complete list:
Tuesday 15th
Day spent at Welney WWT monitoring nest boxes and Swallow and Martin nests. Two Swallow nest still with young in but very class to departing, will be gone next week. Martin nests now empty with the last two departing from Wigeon House since last week. Plenty of Martins still about in and out of nests. These are likely to be new birds exploring sites for future nesting. I've also observed Sand Martin exploring nests in the last three weeks, can only imagine they are being nosy!
One Tree Sparrow nest still with young in and a last House Sparrow with ready to fledge young.
At least five Marsh Harrier about one with a red wing tag. No sign of any green tagged birds which the BTO rung a few weeks ago.
Two Great White Egret present and both Green and Common Sandpiper, and at least nine Ruff.
Complete list:
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