Sunday, 18 August 2024

Time passes......

Can't believe it's been almost a year since I last posted and no excuse for not doing so. So a quick recap over the last year. 

26th Sept to 7th October: A cruise around the Baltic produced a new addition to my list a White-tailed Eagle at Plon on the 4th October 2023.

May 2024 saw us on a walking holiday in El Hero in the Canaries. This was another trip organised by Inntravel and saw us walking from one hotel to another while our bags were transported for us. El Hero is the smallest island and gets very little tourist traffic, which made it a really great location. The walking was challenging with some very stiff and steep descents off the volcanic ridge, always at the end of the day!

The trip produced 4 new species to my list:

2nd May: Canary Island Chiffchaff: seen and heard most days

                Canary Island Chaffinch

                Bolle's Pigeon

3rd May: Barbary Partridge

The walk on this day took us through some wonderful high meadows and it was great to hear Quail calling from a number of locations and to see Stone Curlew nesting in the fields.

4th May: African Blue Tit

8th-9th May: We spent two days at the Parador to rest and recover! The hotel is on the sea front and so I was able to sit on the balcony in the evening and count Cory Shearwater as they returned to their breeding grounds. We also heard them calling as the sun set.

Berthelot's Pipit

End of May saw us in Donegal for a family holiday. Nothing new but good to cover the old patch. On the return journey I spotted a Great Skua harassing a Gannet and a good number of Manx Shearwater, Kittiwake and Common Tern.

Early May produced reports of a Nightingale along Mereside in Soham and I finally caught up with it on the 12th May.

Reports of a Purple Heron at Burwell Fen proved to be a one off but in searching for it I came across two Black-winged Stilt.

A trip to Cleyspy on the 1st August for a new pair of binoculars (a break from Nikon resulting in an excellent pair of Swarovski 8x42) ended in a trip to Cley on Sea. A good number of Spoonbill and Cattle Egret were present, along with a couple of Wood Sandpiper.

Wood Sandpiper


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