Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Week Commencing 14th May 2018

Monday 14th

Stuck at home for the morning so only a short walk to Angle Common. Mute Swan continue to nest in the corner of the Mill Pond and hopefully we shall see the result of their attentive behaviour soon. Reed Warbler calling from the small reedy area near the cottages and Whitethroat in the bushes by the railway line.

In the afternoon headed for Burwell Fen and along the bank. Kingfisher flew low across the The Tree Pool. Good numbers of Swift over the whole area and a Hobby putting in an appearance. Water Rail was calling from somewhere out on the fen. Other than that just the usual suspects.

36 species recorded

Tuesday 15th

A warm morning saw us out at Baker's and Adventurers' Fen. Plenty of the usual Chiffchaff, Whitethroat, Reed and Sedge Warbler showing and Cetti's Warbler calling.

A Sparrowhawk was in and out of the bushes and as the morning progressed at least three Hobby were hunting over the reed beds.

43 species recorded

Wednesday 16th

With Debbie having a meeting in the evening I decided to head out to Burwell Fen for an evening stroll from Cock-up Bridge to Upware Bridge.  Shortly after arriving spotted two Crane heading of in the direction of Ely.  Two Egyptian Goose resting under the tree and a few Swift (5) and Swallow (3) over the water. While walking back spotted the head of a third Crane pocking out of the reed bed area.

32 species recorded

Thursday 17th

A break from the fens and headed over to Mayday Farm in Suffolk for some woodland species. A warm and very pleasant morning and the place was empty! Not a soul in site all morning!

Good views of Buzzard (4), circling over the forests but no Goshawk or Honey Buzzard. Chiffchaff galore singing and calling throughout and good views of Yellowhammer (3). Recorded a single Nuthatch calling as it passed through the canopy.

8 species recorded ( alot of time spent trying out new field sound recorder, which is my excuse for such low numbers!)

Friday 18th

Sedge Warbler
Back to the fens and off to Tubney and Burwell Fen with the dogs in the morning. Lots of Whitethroat and Goldfinch on Tubney and Cuckoo calling throughout.

As we crossed onto Burwell Fen to walk the bank, two Crane dropped in (09.32) near the research pen by the cycle path and disappeared into the long grass. The number of Swift are on the increase with over thirty across the reeds. Kingfisher across the main pool and the Egyptian Goose (2) were still present.

A juvenile Caspian Gull was sitting on the post of the research area near Pout's Hall.

Caspian Gull (Juvenile)
On returning at 10.15 the Crane had moved across the main pool and were in the far reedbed. Shortly after locating them they took off and flew towards Wicken Centre. As the passed over Baker's Fen a third Crane joined them and all three flew on.



52 species recorded

Saturday 19th:

Added Buzzard to the garden list with one circling above the house.While trimming the hedge spotted a Cuckoo flying over as well.

Sunday 20th:

Can at last get back onto part of my local patch as the railway people have very kindly opened a pathway onto the sidings. Good to be back on the local patch but nothing new!

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