Monday, 7 May 2018

Week commencing 7th May 2018

Monday 7th May

Bank Holiday Monday and another glorious day after a glorious weekend. Clear skies with not a cloud to be seen, and the potential for the warmest early Bank Holiday on record. Decided to pay a visit to the railway sidings, which I haven't visited for a while due to the work that is going on down there. The yard itself is now closed off but the shunting area is still accessible via the old bakery. Chiffchaff calling throughout as was a number of Whitethroat and single Blackcap.

House Sparrow takes off!

House Sparrow posing

Across the line and along the river two Reed Warbler were showing well.

Tuesday 8th May

Another warm morning. Not a cloud in the sky and very still. Set off to walk along Adventures' and Baker's Fen. I've recently purchased a Tascam Field Audio Recorder in order to capture the sound of the fens, so it was a good day to try it out.

A quick scan of Burwell Fen resulted in a bit of a surprise with a Short-eared Owl being harassed by a Carrion Crow as it flew near to the bridge. This was the first I've seen since 24th April 2017 with none being spotted over the winter.

Plenty of Reed and Sedge Warbler calling and showing, along with Whitethroat. I managed to get a recording of the various calls and will attempt to add them to this blog! Nightingale was singing at its usual location on Verrall's Fen and was recorded doing so. A very short burst of song further along might indicate a second male.

Sedge Warbler
As the morning progressed and it warmed up further it was good to see five Hobby circling at a great height over Wicken Fen. Report of two Spotted Redshank caused a slight detour but with no luck. No sign of Swift as yet!

52 species recorded

Tuesday Evening

First Swift of the year over the house this evening with 5 circling and calling and a further 2 joining them later.

Spring Arrivals

2017: 2nd May
2016: 3rd May
2015: 6th May
2014: 2nd May

Wednesday 9th May

Every third Wednesday of the month, since October, I have travelled North to visit Dad in Harrogate. The novelty of train travel soon wears off so I've now taken to bird watching while on the train. I've split the journey into five 'patches'. Ely to Peterborough gives me another Cambridgeshire patch. Peterborough to Leeds, then Leeds to Harrogate on the outward journey. Depending on the return journey it is a repeat of these three or I can add Harrogate to York and then York to Peterborough.

So far nothing outstanding but some good views of Red Kite between Leeds and Harrogate.

Thursday 10th May

Yesterday's travelling always seems to take it out of me so a late start saw the dogs and I out at Burwell Fen to walk the bank. The morning was warm but a bit breezy. Good to see Swift had returned with over 30 feeding across the Fen. Two Yellow Wagtail passed over as did two Oystercatcher.  A total of five Egyptian Goose were present. Other than that a quiet morning

29 species recorded

Decided to spend a few hours at Welney. Still a lot of water on the Washes but the higher banks were now occupied by a good number of Avocet. 

The simple things are often the most enjoyable and watching a Moorhen come down to the water's edge for a bath was fun to watch.


Bath time 

A number of Pochard still around

Pair of Pochard

and good views of Shoveler

Shoveler (Male)

A number of Redshank were present, as was a single Little Ringed Plover and two Dunlin. Twelve or so Black-tailed Godwit showed a variety of plumage changes.
Little Ringed Plover

A total of seven Hobby were hunting high over the Washes and a green winged tagged female Marsh Harrier cruised over.

42 species recorded

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