Monday 19th October
Out to Burwell Fen this rather grey and cold morning. At least four Kestrel were hunting across fen and a female was sitting on one of the cable posts.
Number of species recorded: 24
Day spent at Welney doing odd jobs about the place. A small drop in the water levels leaving a few more areas dry but sadly very few waders around other than a group of five Curlew that passed over. Not a Black-tailed Godwit in sight.
A very fresh looking male Marsh Harrier was quartering the reserve along with a female.
The numbers of Pochard slowly increasing along with Wigeon but still the numbers of Whooper Swan not great although reports from other parts of the fen seem to show that there are large numbers about.
Number of species recorded: 48
Wednesday 21st October
Rain! Absolutely pouring it down so our walk along Harrison's Drove at Burwell was somewhat shorter than planned. Good numbers of Fieldfare with a few Redwing were moving around and lots of Mallard and Wigeon on the wing.
On returning to the car park found the Little Owl on the log pile in the horse field looking rather soggy!
Number of species recorded: 12
Home front
Each autumn for the last few years we've had a Mistle Thrush that takes up residency in the garden for the winter. Having not seen or heard from it yet it was good to see its return this morning.
Thursday 22nd October
Felt the need for some time in the woods so headed up to Grimes Grave, Thetford Forest. A rather showery day for a walk through the woods but I did have some sunny spells that made for a pleasant stroll of just over 1.6 miles.
A first for this year was a number of large of Lesser Redpoll that were constantly moving around the area. Mixed in with them were a number of Goldfinch.
A number of Wren were present, one of which stuck around long enough for a decent photo!
Number of species recorded: 27
Friday 23rd October
Cold, grey morning with the threat of rain saw us out at Burwell Fen. The rain has produced a few decent sized pools that, hopefully will attract something!
The Tree pool held a good number of Teal and Lapwing. More Lapwing were passing over constantly as were very large flocks of Golden Plover that were constantly passing over, calling and tumbling as they went.
A single Chiffchaff was rather pathetically calling and a Cetti's Warbler but in a brief appearance.
As I was walking back three Buzzard passed over to be joined by a fourth. In the field by the bridge were a nice covey of Grey Partridge.
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