Saturday, 7 November 2020

Friday 6th November 2020

A beautiful autumnal morning saw us out at Burwell Fen for a few hours. The morning was wonderfully peaceful and still with a clarity of light that only autumn can bring. 

The tap has been turned and slowly water is beginning to fill the various areas of the fen in order to attract mainly the wildfowl over the winter. Sadly there was very little present on this day. Teal were visible in good numbers and Wigeon are increasing in  number. A few Shoveler were on the far side as was one Shelduck. A large number of Lapwing were loafing in the slowly flooding area near the research pen.

Two female Marsh Harrier indulged in a short piece of aerial battle before departing in different directions.

A Sparrowhawk put in a fleeting appearance, heading low across the fen. Amongst the Black-headed Gull was a single Yellow-legged Gull which departed as soon as I spotted it!

Number of species recorded: 27 


The second English lockdown commenced on the 5th November and is due to end on the 2nd December. Travel is again restricted so trips to the coast will be limited! 

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